I will never stop dreaming
    Teaching assistance for me was very interesting program. I have got a lot of experiences and unforettable things during this program. When I first came to MAN 11 Jakarta, I was so happy because the principle’s and staffs’ respon wasa very welcome. We were introduced to the school principle, teachers and some staff. Then we discussed about this program such as the rules for us as teachers assistant etc. At the first day I met my master teacher, I was so happy because he was so humorist. He was so helpful and kind to me and my partner in teaching assitance program. As written on the schedule, the teaching practice should be done on the second week of the program. However, my master teacher asked my team to do it in the first week. My friend and I were very nervous before entered the class. We teached in XI IPS 1. Students’ response there were very anthusias. Moreover, they were so enjoy and comfortable with our method.

    The next teaching practice was in XI IPS 2. In that class, my friend and I did the same things like in the XI IPS 1. We were getting know all students and creating classroom rules or classroom agreement. The students in XI IPS 2 were more active than XI IPS 1. It made me and my friends quite unable to handle. I thought that maybe students forgot about the class rules. Then I decided to remind them again about it. Finally, it worked. They realized that they almost forgot the rules. 

    Something that impressed me was when I was outside the class, students were trying to speak in English. I was so happy, although there were still some mistakes in pronounciation and accuracy. I apreciated it because they were so confident.  

    In the end of our program, my friend and I made a reflection in every class. We asked them to wrote it on the paper. My friend and I were very happy because students understood what we shared to them. That was actually the most important  point for me during this program.

    To me, this program was really helpful. Later I am going to be a teacher, here I already experienced it although just a bit. In the future, I will not surprise with the class condition including the problem within classroom. The most important learning point for me was that we can’t give students the same treatment because they were different individual.

3/1/2011 04:05:26 pm

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

3/2/2011 04:57:04 pm

You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.


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    Ifa's Corner

    Hello everyone, my name is Nur Hidayatus Syarifah. However, you can simply call me Ifa or Ifah, beautiful name isn’t it? I am an student of Sampoerna School of Education. I like writing and singing. I really like Pablo Neruda’s poems and love songs, so romantic isn’t it?

    I am a dreamer and I will never ever stop dreaming.

    Here in my blog, I am trying to express myfeeling, share knowledge, and write a lot of interesting stuff. Why do I name this blog as “The Journey”? You will find it in my first posting.

    P.S: the picture above is my brother and sisters, because I love them so much. :D


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